
Irony is a C/C++ minor mode based on libclang, which aims context-sensitive completion and syntax checking using the clang compiler. To do so the following packages from (M)ELPA are needed:

But secondly (to get all that stuff working) the clang compiler must know the exact command line options. For that purpose a so called Compiler Database (CDB) must exist in a (sub-) directory, from irony-cdb-search-directory-list. For details on that issue see:

Sometimes i simply use a static .clang_complete file in project root directory, according to this one:

When (fly) checking C++ source files including C++ header files named *.h (or C++ header files w/o an extension) then option -D__cplusplus=201103L (example for C++11) might be needed.

In case a project is using CMake then a file compile_commands.json can be generated on each build. For that purpose one has simply to add the following line to CMakeLists.txt:


More information on Irony setup can be found on: