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  • show all configured interfaces and it's status: ifconfig
  • show information about an Ethernet interface: ethtool eth0


  • /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts: interface up/down scripts (CentOS/RHEL)
  • /etc/network/if-up.d: interface up scripts (Ubuntu)
  • /sys/class/net: network interfaces files (info)


  • WLAN configuration (und Signalpegel): iwconfig wlan0
  • WLAN (detailed) info: iwlist
  • List Wi-Fi networks (using NetworkManager CLI): nmcli device wifi list


  • lookup a server per DNS: nslookup
  • lookup a host at DNS server: dig +short ralf-laptop


  • /etc/resolv.conf: DNS configuration
  • /etc/hosts: predefined hosts


How to configure a user directory, for example ~/www

The main change is located in file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/userdir.conf:

<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    UserDir www
    UserDir disabled root
    <Directory /home/*/www>
        AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes
        Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec \
            FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
        IndexOptions -FancyIndexing +SuppressHTMLPreamble +SuppressDescription \
            +IgnoreClient +SuppressColumnSorting +FoldersFirst \
            +TrackModified +ScanHTMLTitles
        IndexHeadInsert "  <meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex,follow\">"
        <Limit GET POST OPTIONS>
            Require all granted
        <LimitExcept GET POST OPTIONS>
            Require all denied

How to redirect http automatically to https

Add this rule to the .htaccess file on server

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =http [OR]
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =""
  RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
  RewriteRule (.*) __ BROKEN-LINK:https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}LINK-BROKEN__ [R=301,L]



Installation (Ubuntu)

I use ht://Dig for local indexing my documents archive.

  1. install packages: htdig, htdig-doc, xpdf, catdoc, mailutils
  2. for indexing of Postscript, PDF, DVI decompress and copy perl script from /usr/share/doc/htdig-doc/examples to /usr/local/bin
  3. add option -q to call of pdftotext in perl script, to get rid of a lot of warnings
  4. edit /etc/default/htdig to enable daily/weekly/monthly indexing
  5. create a anacron job in /etc/cron.monthly or simply move /etc/cron.daily/htdig to /etc/cron.*
  6. change the anacron job to call rundig via nice, like this
    nice -n 19 /usr/bin/rundig -s 2>&1 | tr -d '\000-\011\013-\037\177-\377' | mail -s "ht://Dig archive rebuild" ralf@localhost
  7. edit configuration file /etc/htdig/htdig.conf, add/change at least:
    start_url:		__ BROKEN-LINK:http://localhost/...LINK-BROKEN__
    limit_urls_to:		${start_url}
    remove_bad_urls:	true
    maintainer:		yourname@localhost
    max_doc_size:		10000000
    no_excerpt_show_top:	true
    maximum_pages:		20
    matches_per_page:	50
    external_parsers: application/msword->text/html /usr/local/bin/ \
                   application/postscript->text/html /usr/local/bin/ \
                   application/pdf->text/html /usr/local/bin/
Do not forget to setup Apache, including enable of mod_userdir (create symlink) and mod_cgi (execute sudo a2enmod cgi).



  • show the Samba tree
  • shows a list of available shares at a server
    smbclient -U <user> -L <server>
  • Smbclient interactive shell
    smbclient '\\<server>\<share>' -U <user>
  • add a new user <user>
    sudo smbpasswd -a <user>

Add at least this rule (for example by use of the Uncomplicated Firewall)

sudo ufw allow proto udp from to any port 137

to allow NetBIOS name service to see your host. In case you only want to access shares on other hosts (and not allow access to your own) this seems to be enough.

If you want to participate as a full SMB/CIFS host (exporting shares for public access) then you probably need:

sudo ufw allow from to any app samba4

or a solution according to Ask Ubuntu.


  • /etc/samba/smb.conf: main Samba configuration file
  • /etc/samba/smbusers: translation of Samba user names to Linux names

Howto automount a Windows share

Example: Automount a Windows share “Winshare” using CIFS1) at /mnt/samba/winroot (read-only, as guest)

  • edit file /etc/auto.master to make Automount responsible for mounts at directory /mnt/samba
    /mnt/samba	auto.samba --ghost --timeout 120
  • create the (so called) map file /etc/auto.samba with the following contents:2)
    winroot -fstype=cifs,guest,ro,noperm,nounix,domain=WORKGROUP ://Winhost/Winshare
  • If your “Winhost” has a static IP address add it to /etc/samba/lmhosts (or use the IP address instead of the hostname “Winhost” in /etc/auto.samba).
  • depending on your Linux distribution you might have to edit configuration file /etc/sysconfig/autofs



  • start systemd service: systemctl enable spamassassin && systemctl start spamassassin


  • /etc/mail/spamassassin/ main configuration file
  • ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs: user configuration file (see below)
# -*- mode: perl -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017 Ralf Hoppe <>
# SpamAssassin user preferences file.  See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf'
# for details of what can be tweaked.
# How many points before a mail is considered spam (default at the moment).
required_score		5
# Whitelist and blacklist addresses are now file-glob-style patterns, so
# "", "*", or "*" will all work.
# whitelist_from
# Speakers of any language that uses non-English, accented characters may wish
# to uncomment the following lines.   They turn off rules that fire on
# misformatted messages generated by common mail apps in contravention of the
# email RFCs.
# score BAYES_00 -4
# score BAYES_05 -2
# score BAYES_95 6
# score BAYES_99 9
#### main performance related settings
# By default, SpamAssassin queries max. 3 (of 13 default) servers to attempt
# to check if DNS is working or not.  This is the main performance killer,
# especially in case a connection fails.  But turning DNS off has side effects
# of disabling of a lot of helpful network tests (only Bayes learning remains).
# If your ISP performs such checks for you then this should not be a problem.
dns_available no
# don't do DNS based RBL (Realtime blacklist) lookups
skip_rbl_checks 1
# By default, SpamAssassin checks the From: address for a valid MX two times,
# waiting 5 seconds each time. This consumes a lot of time - so i want this
# check only once.
check_mx_attempts 1
check_mx_delay 2
CIFS is the successor of SMBFS.
“Winhost” is the hostname (resolvable by DNS or file /etc/hosts) or IP address of the Windows PC.
linux/administration/network.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/21 21:06 by Ralf H.